A discussion paper is now open for public consultation in response to the Building Confidence Report. 

To varying degrees, all jurisdictions rely on private building surveyors as part of their building approvals process. The integrity of the process and those involved is essential to achieving National Construction Code compliant buildings.

Building Confidence Report (BCR) recommendations 9 and 11 relate specifically to private building surveyors:

  • Recommendation 9: That each jurisdiction establishes minimum statutory controls to mitigate conflicts of interest and increase transparency of the engagement and responsibilities of private building surveyors.
  • Recommendation 11: That each jurisdiction provides private building surveyors with enhanced supervisory powers and mandatory reporting obligations.

The objectives of these recommendations are to mitigate conflicts of interest, increase transparency in engagement and statutory responsibilities, provide enhanced supervisory powers and require mandatory reporting.

In response to these recommendations, the BCR Implementation Team has developed a discussion paper to facilitate stakeholder input and feedback into the content of the proposed model guidance. The feedback will test if the guidance meets the objectives of BCR recommendations 9 and 11, and the needs of those impacted.

Providing comment

Responses to questions in the discussion paper above are invited until 11:59PM AEST Monday 26 April 2021, via the ABCB’s Consultation Hub. Only comments submitted using the online form will be considered.

If you have any questions about these consultation, please contact [email protected].